WebQuest! : The country you want to visit

 Hello there readers! It's nice to talk with you in this post. Today we will introduce a new thing! It's WebQuest. I did this task with my partner Aslı Zeynep again! You can find her blog in my previous posts.

So what is Webquest? A WebQuest is a task we give to you and our students and all the information you and our learners will get and work on comes from the web! 

First! Introduce the country you want to visit.

The sites you need to use are Padlet and Kids-World-Travel-Guide.

First, go to the Kids-World-Travel-Guide.com then select a country that you'd like to visit the list on the left side.

After reading the information go to the Padlet and create a visual board for the presentation.

For the Padlet There needs to be 5 columns.

1-General information.

2-It's geographic location.

3-Thing/Things it is known for.

4-3 famous places, 3 famous people and 3 interesting facts from the country.

5-Reasons why you want to visit this country. (A paragraph).

You should add visuals. There are no limits you can use videos or music related to the country you want to visit on padlet board.

Then be ready to present it in the class!

The video and instruction on how to create a visual board are below.

Thank you for reading for this post and taking your time see you next time!
